

Page history last edited by Ms Sol 5 years, 6 months ago



Who's behind this wiki?


Usoa Sol Azpilicueta [usoasol@gmail.com]





I wear the hat of both English teacher and teacher trainer. I'm also the vice-president of APAC, Associació de Professors i Professores d'Anglès de Catalunya, which you can find out more about at www.apac365.org.


Currently, I teach a wide range

of levels and age groups spanning the ESO and Batxillerat cycles at Sant Gregori School in Barcelona. 


I am particularly interested in the psychology of teenagers and in devising new ways to boost their motivation, which can prove a little challenging at times! This was the underlying motive behind me launching our school wiki www.santgregorienglish.pbworks.com in 2009,

whose use I have encouraged both inside and outside the classroom, and which won the APAC- British Council John McDowell award in 2013.


Over the past nine years it has gone from strength to strength and has become

a really valuable resource for English class. Unfortunately, Sant Gregori's English Wiki was hacked last September. :( 



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[Wikis 101]

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